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Cambridge MedChem Consulting

STEM Team East

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Team East is an education charity of 27 years standing.  Their aim is to promote STEM education to students.

They provide bespoke consultation on STEM enrichment to each secondary school; teacher CPD in digital electronics and CAD; teacher and pupil STEM workshops and large scale STEM Fairs (both local and regional) with hands–on practical learning activities, career events and talks. They also manage national programmes such as the Nuffield Research Bursary Scheme and the British Science Association CREST Awards. 

My children have all benefited enormously from a chance to work in science laboratories during the summer vacation, however there is the need to provide more placements, if you, your company or institution might be interested in helping please contact:-

STEM Team East 12 Ronald Rolph Court Wadloes Road Cambridge CB5 8PX