LLM for Drug Discovery
Whilst general large language models have hit the headlines in recent years, there is a school of thought that smaller domain specific models may actually more useful, in particular in areas like chemistry https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/dd/d2dd00087c and https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.09391.
A recent preprint describes Tx-LLM a large language model (LLM) for drug discovery https://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.06316. This work from Google Research and Google DeepMind details Tx-LLM, a LLM specifically designed to enhance drug discovery.
Developing therapeutics is a lengthy and expensive process that requires the satisfaction of many different criteria, and AI models capable of expediting the process would be invaluable. However, the majority of current AI approaches address only a narrowly defined set of tasks, often circumscribed within a particular domain. To bridge this gap, we introduce Tx-LLM, a generalist large language model (LLM) fine-tuned from PaLM-2 which encodes knowledge about diverse therapeutic modalities. Tx-LLM is trained using a collection of 709 datasets that target 66 tasks spanning various stages of the drug discovery pipeline. Using a single set of weights, Tx-LLM simultaneously processes a wide variety of chemical or biological entities (small molecules, proteins, nucleic acids, cell lines, diseases) interleaved with free-text, allowing it to predict a broad range of associated properties, achieving competitive with state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on 43 out of 66 tasks and exceeding SOTA on 22. Among these, Tx-LLM is particularly powerful and exceeds best-in-class performance on average for tasks combining molecular SMILES representations with text such as cell line names or disease names, likely due to context learned during pretraining. We observe evidence of positive transfer between tasks with diverse drug types (e.g., tasks involving small molecules and tasks involving proteins), and we study the impact of model size, domain finetuning, and prompting strategies on performance. We believe Tx-LLM represents an important step towards LLMs encoding biochemical knowledge and could have a future role as an end-to-end tool across the drug discovery development pipeline.
The model was trained using 709 drug discovery datasets comprising 66 tasks formatted for instruction tuning from Therapeutics instruction Tuning (TxT) https://tdcommons.ai collection for tasks across the drug discovery spectrum. These tasks include:
- Evaluating drug efficacy and safety.
- Predicting molecular targets.
- Assessing the ease of manufacturing drugs.