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Cambridge MedChem Consulting

UKQSAR meeting Sept 2023

Just got this message, the UKQSAR meetings are always excellent

We are pleased to announce that the next UKQSAR meeting will be held at the University of Liverpool on September 14th 2023.

The schedule will be: 09.00-10.00 Registration 10.00-16.00 Scientific programme

Please register using the online form:

We are delighted that the RSC CICAG group (Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group ( have been able to offer two travel bursaries for students to attend the meeting in return for providing a short write-up for the group. If you would like to apply for the bursary please use the form:

As usual, there is no cost to register for the meeting and we are grateful for MedChemica Ltd. for supporting the catering costs.

There will be plenty of opportunity for posters to be presented and discussed over lunch and coffee, please indicate if you would like to present a poster in the registration.

Information about travel options are available from the University of Liverpool website: We would urge you to consider the environment when planning your journey.