Macrocycles 2018: 3rd RSC BMCS Medicinal Chemistry Symposium on Macrocycles
First announcement for the Macrocycles 2018 meeting #BMCS_Macrocycles
Monday-Tuesday, 8th-9th October 2018, GlaxoSmithKline, Stevenage, UK
The objective of this symposium is to promote scientific interaction between scientists with a shared interest in the field of Macrocycles. This area is responsible for a growing number of therapeutic approaches and development candidates, all of which go ‘beyond the rule-of–five’. As a researcher in this field, come along to hear about the latest advances and also to share in some of the secrets of discovering therapeutic agents which go beyond Lipinski’s rules.
Applications for oral and poster presentations are welcome. Posters will be displayed throughout the meeting and applicants should indicate whether they wish to be considered for a flash oral presentation when submitting an abstract (two minutes, single slide).The closing dates of 28th February (oral) and 8th August (poster).
Full details and application forms are here