Multidisciplinary Project Award
I'm delighted to hear that CRUK and EPSRC are funding a scheme to encourage research collaborations between different disciplines.
Multidisciplinary Project Award supports collaborations between cancer researchers and scientists from engineering/physical science disciplines.
Applications should ideally include:
- a minimum of two PIs working in distinct scientific disciplines
- at least one PI working in cancer research at any career stage
- at least one PI from an engineering/physical science discipline at any career stage
Applications will be accepted from UK universities, research institutions, Cancer Research UK core-funded Institutes, medical schools and hospitals. The award is not required to be co-located and can be held across institutions in the UK, supporting roles from international and commercial organisations may also be included.
The book is the basis for "The Medici Effect," a term coined by Johansson and used throughout various industries to describe innovation that happens when disciplines and ideas intersect.
This might go some way towards correcting the bias against interdisciplinary research