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Cambridge MedChem Consulting

Annual Site Review

As 2015 ends I'd like to take the chance to wish you all a Happy New Year and hope for great success in your drug discovery endeavours.

The website increases in popularity with 93,000 page views in 2015 an increase of 24% over last year. Nearly 25% of the visitors come back on multiple occasions which I hope means people are finding the content useful.

Nine of the top ten most popular pages were from the Drug Discovery Resources Pages which I am delighted to see, since it suggests that the work entailed in putting the resources together is worthwhile.

The most viewed pages were

As might be expected the Books page only seems popular coming up to Christmas ;-)

The visitors come from over 100 different countries with US and UK topping the list. Whilst desktop systems predominate nearly 20% now access the site from a mobile device.